The Court Yard, Mersham-le-Hatch, Hythe Road, Ashford, Kent TN25 6NH
We appreciate that organising a funeral, memorial service or celebration of life
can only add to the anxiety and stress of losing a loved one. Our team of
friendly staff are compassionate and on hand to take care of everything you
need; leaving you safe in the knowledge that everything is taken care of… Secret Garden is the ideal venue to hold Wakes or Celebration of Life’s.
Whether you hold the service at a local Crematorium and then join us for the Wake OR host both the Service in the Chapel and Wake in the Coach House here with us; giving you the option to say your
final goodbyes in the peaceful surroundings instead of the Crematorium, and without the
added complication of asking friends and family to travel to a different location.
Our friendly and compassionate planners will be on hand to take extra care of everything they need. We stand out due to our dedication in serving the best handmade food and drinks along with the best service; we make sure that every tiny detail is checked and extra care is given to our guests at all times.
We are also more than happy to work directly with funeral directors/care providers – we pride ourselves on offering clients the best facilities and the best service. When you recommend Secret Garden, you are doing this knowing that your clients expectations are met giving you peace of mind.
The Court Yard, Mersham-le-Hatch, Hythe Road, Ashford, Kent TN25 6NH